All Points WEsT was amazing!
It rained pretty much the whole weekend but that didn't stop the crowd from having fun. Day 1:I saw Fleet Foxes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Ra Ra Riot, Vampire Weekend, the National and Seasick Steve
hm top 5.00, u.o high waisted jeans 10.00, thrifted belt 2.50, shoes 4.99, purse 5.00.

I freakin met J. Tillman from the Fleet Foxes!
He looks a little like Jesus..
and I look super sexy with my Gatorade bottle and poncho.
Day 2:
Tool, Ting Tings, Tokyo Police Club, Crystal Castles, My Bloody Valentine..
hm top, target skirt 10, thrifted belt 2.50, & yellow Hunter boots 15.oo. (not shown)
Day 3:
Lykke Li, Akron/Family, We are Scientist, Mogwai, Silversun Pickups .. I didn't get to see MGMT or Coldplay=\
lucky brand dress (tucked in) 50.oo, thrifted d.i.y shorts 6.00, belt 2.50, hunter boots.

On Sunday there was a rain delay so they had everybody waiting in this old train station for almost 2 hours.. soon people got delirious and started chanting funny things like "let us free" and played a game of "Marco polo".
I noticed two guys speaking with Australian accents behind me. At first I thought they were joking around but then I realized it was the real thing! They were really nice and hilarious, they had me cracking up the hole time and I probably made myself look like an idiot.. ugh cute guys make me nervous..